Share-VDE (BETA)

About Share-VDE

Share-VDE (SVDE) is a library-driven initiative which brings together the bibliographic catalogues and authority files of a community of libraries in a shared discovery environment based on linked data.

Learn more about SVDE on our Wiki site

Find here the Share-VDE Statement and the Executive Summary

Read about the Share Family Linked Data Ecosystem

See a list of the institutions involved in the initiative

Report bugs and share feature suggestions on the forum

Data summary

The original data of the following institutions have been converted to BIBFRAME and loaded to the portal:

  • Duke University bibliographic data
  • Library of Congress authority and bibliographic data
  • National Library of Finland authority and bibliographic data
  • National Library of Norway authority and bibliographic data
  • New York University bibliographic data
  • Smithsonian Institution bibliographic data
  • Stanford University Libraries bibliographic data
  • University of Alberta Libraries bibliographic data
  • University of Pennsylvania bibliographic data

Total number of each entity type in the system (the look up is done in real time):